I help people allow aspirations to become achievements.
I help people appreciate the beauty of paradox and synchronicity all around us.
I help people be who they want to become.
I help people believe fewer untrue thoughts.
I help people blend chaos and order.
I help people bless each other in unique and improvised ways.
I help people catch themselves succeeding.
I help people celebrate themselves, others, and life.
I help people clarify.
I help people connect with their birthrights.
I help people convert the familiar into the unfamiliar to know it more deeply.
I help people cooperate and synergize.
I help people create possibilities.
I help people dance to the rhythm of life.
I help people deal with overwhelm and overthinking.
I help people develop their mental immune system.
I help people discover a better emotional quality of life.
I help people distinguish and discern.
I help people do unto others as others would have done unto them (Platinum Rule).
I help people dream bigger.
I help people end self-sabotage.
I help people enhance careers.
I help people enjoy life.
I help people evolve.
I help people experience pleasure as a learning vehicle.
I help people experiment.
I help people explore and discover.
I help people expose their inner Buddha.
I help people express themselves fearlessly and confidently.
I help people feel into what’s true in their experience.
I help people find infinite creativity and spontaneity.
I help people flex their heart and soul.
I help people fly their freak flag.
I help people focus.
I help people forget what they were told and find out from their experience.
I help people forgive.
I help people fulfill their heart's most sacred dreams.
I help people generate ideas.
I help people get un-hypnotized.
I help people go with the flow.
I help people have work/play balance.
I help people hear their own wisdom.
I help people help themselves.
I help people hit their stride.
I help people identify the source of all their own answers.
I help people illuminate gifts they’ve always had but don’t always see.
I help people improve relationships.
I help people in the NOW.
I help people integrate their knowledge, experience, and wisdom.
I help people know ALL of them is welcome.
I help people laugh more.
I help people leave a good taste in other people’s mouths.
I help people let their genius be seen and heard.
I help people level up their lives.
I help people liberate themselves.
I help people listen better.
I help people live their best lives.
I help people look at things as they never have before.
I help people love more.
I help people make their own meanings.
I help people manner their minds, not mind their manners.
I help people navigate moving to a new city or country.
I help people notice a quieter mind, more often.
I help people nurture opportunities.
I help people play their part in the conspiracy of blessings.
I help people progress by getting out of their own way.
I help people put others first without putting themselves second.
I help people quit trying to fix what isn't broken.
I help people randomly when I notice the opportunity.
I help people realize their infinite laughter supply is always available.
I help people receive.
I help people reclaim their power.
I help people recognize everything is happening for them, not to them.
I help people reconcile inner conflicts.
I help people relax.
I help people release.
I help people remember who they really are.
I help people rub others the right way.
I help people say “yes, and.”
I help people see what's in their blind spots.
I help people slow down.
I help people speak English as a second language as if it were their first language.
I help people speak their truth.
I help people stoke their passions.
I help people stop stopping themselves.
I help people support their kids’ development of emotional intelligence.
I help people take inspired action.
I help people think less and laugh more.
I help people touch what they sometimes call God.
I help people treat themselves the way they want to be treated.
I help people trust themselves.
I help people trying to force things to allow them instead.
I help people turn rules they made up back into choices.
I help people uncover their inner beauty.
I help people understand perception is 100% thought generated.
I help people update their worldview for maximum inner peace.
I help people view themselves and life less seriously.
I help people who are strangers become people who are friends and clients.
I help people write the narrator's perspective in their life story.