The Simplicity Series

(formerly Stress Buster Buddy)

The Simplicity Series

(formerly Stress Buster Buddy)

Devote 15 minutes per day for a month to
discover your infinite simplicity supply and
unlock awareness of other infinite supplies...
  • Infinite Imagination
  • ​Infinite Creativity
  • Infinite Spontaneity
  • ​Infinite Possibility
  • ​Infinite Opportunity
Purple background with white writing saying: Simple Sayings #2, Your infinite simplicity supply is always available. Love, ĐƠN GIẢN
Devote 15 minutes per day for a month


Discover your infinite simplicity supply


Unlock awareness of other 
infinite supplies...
  • Infinite Imagination
  • ​Infinite Creativity
  • Infinite Spontaneity
  • ​Infinite Possibility
  • ​Infinite Opportunity
Purple background with white writing saying: Simple Sayings #2, Your infinite simplicity supply is always available. Love, ĐƠN GIẢN

What other infinite supplies will you find
and what will that do for you?

Shall we start with your infinite curiosity supply?

No doubt you will encounter your infinite supply of
temporary, innocent misunderstandings.

And your infinite supply of insights and wisdom
will reveal new understandings that replace old misunderstandings.

Ripple effects are likely to include:

What other infinite supplies will you find and what
will that do for you?

Shall we start with your infinite curiosity supply?

No doubt you will encounter 
your infinite supply of
temporary, innocent misunderstandings.

And your infinite supply of 
insights and wisdom will
reveal new understandings that replace old misunderstandings.

Ripple effects are likely to include:
  • Feeling less stress, anxiety, worry, fear, and overwhelm
  • Noticing a quieter, clearer mind more often
  • Creating what you want but have been resisting
  • ​Making decisions more easily
  • ​​Lightening up and taking yourself and life less seriously
  • ​Connecting more deeply with other people
  • ​Being more honest with yourself
  • Feeling less stress, anxiety, worry, fear, and overwhelm
  • Noticing a quieter, clearer mind more often
  • Creating what you want but have been resisting
  • ​Making decisions more easily
  • ​​Lightening up and taking yourself and life less seriously
  • ​Connecting more deeply with other people
  • ​Being more honest with yourself
Blue background with white writing says: SIMPLE Sayings #20, Progress is the result that occurs when we stop making trouble for ourselves. Love, ĐƠN GIẢN
Purple background with white writing says: SIMPLE Sayings #15, You are perfect in ways you will never know. Love, ĐƠN GIẢN
Blue background with white writing says: SIMPLE Sayings #32, Instead of concentrate and focus, relax and notice. Love, ĐƠN GIẢN
Blue background with white writing says: SIMPLE Sayings #20, Progress is the result that occurs when we stop making trouble for ourselves. Love, ĐƠN GIẢN
Purple background with white writing says: SIMPLE Sayings #15, You are perfect in ways you will never know. Love, ĐƠN GIẢN
Blue background with white writing says: SIMPLE Sayings #32, Instead of concentrate and focus, relax and notice. Love, ĐƠN GIẢN
Results will be unique for you, based on 
what you bring to the calls and
what you want to take away.

So how does it work?
Here's the deal...
Results will be unique 
for you, based on what you
bring to the calls and what
you want to take away.

So how does it work?
Here's the deal...
I Understand The Following:
  • ​This offer is for 30 days of live one-on-one coaching with ĐƠN GIẢN (aka Dave Berman). We meet daily by video call for 15 minute sessions.
  • ​I can schedule as many 15 minute Simplicity Series sessions as I wish over the next month, with a limit of one per day (weekends included!).
  • I will use ĐƠN GIẢN's appointment calendar to set the day/time of my sessions and I commit to showing up on time because respect, integrity, and accountability are important to me.
  • ​I consent to the following: exploring my infinite imagination supply in partnership with ĐƠN GIẢN's infinite imagination supply, developing a deeper understanding of simplicity and all my infinite supplies, experiencing connection, catching myself succeeding, accepting accountability support, and discovering NOW is always a good time to laugh, play, and feel good.
Dave Berman in a Vietnamese jungle, looks off into the distance. The caption says: "Laughter shines your inner light on gifts you've always had but don't always see." ©
  • I'm curious and willing to playfully explore my breath, laughter, and how my mind quiets itself. I'm open to discovering new ways of understanding and experiencing life with more pleasure, fun, and simplicity. 
  • I understand every session is unique and requires both of us to be present, open to spontaneity and creativity, and will include whatever combination of talking and laughter makes sense in the moment.
  • I have already had a conversation with ĐƠN GIẢN and we've agreed NOW is a good time for me to commit to this program for 30 days. If I have not yet done this, I will schedule a call with ĐƠN GIẢN and wait before enrolling.
I Understand The Following:
  • ​This offer is for 30 days of live one-on-one coaching with ĐƠN GIẢN (aka Dave Berman). We meet daily by video call for 15 minute sessions.
  • ​I can schedule as many 15 minute Simplicity Series sessions as I wish over the next month, with a limit of one per day (weekends included!).
  • I will use ĐƠN GIẢN's appointment calendar to set the day/time of my sessions and I commit to showing up on time because respect, integrity, and accountability are important to me.
  • ​I consent to the following: exploring my infinite imagination supply in partnership with ĐƠN GIẢN's infinite imagination supply, developing a deeper understanding of simplicity and all my infinite supplies, experiencing connection, catching myself succeeding, accepting accountability support, and discovering NOW is always a good time to laugh, play, and feel good.
Dave Berman in a Vietnamese jungle, looks off into the distance. The caption says: "Laughter shines your inner light on gifts you've always had but don't always see." ©
  • I'm curious and willing to playfully explore my breath, laughter, and how my mind quiets itself. I'm open to discovering new ways of understanding and experiencing life with more pleasure, fun, and simplicity. 
  • I understand every session is unique and requires both of us to be present, open to spontaneity and creativity, and will include whatever combination of talking and laughter makes sense in the moment.
  • I have already had a conversation with ĐƠN GIẢN and we've agreed NOW is a good time for me to commit to this program for 30 days. If I have not yet done this, I will schedule a call with ĐƠN GIẢN and wait before enrolling.

What do past clients say?

"Recently, before I worked with Dave Berman as my coach, I was very stressed about how I could not finish the book I am writing now. I have been writing this book (much of the time not writing it) for eight years! I was very lucky to find Dave’s online Stress Buster Buddy coaching programme, where I met him online each weekday for 15 minutes. This work with Dave helped me realise I could let go of guilt and recriminations about procrastination. Dave also helped me move forward to enlist the practical help I needed to prioritise and execute the many specific tasks required for completion. I have now made rapid progress in my work, am more relaxed in my steps towards completion, and confident about its publication. Thank you, Dave Berman!"

~ Ann Baker, Adelaide, Australia,
Author of “Ship or Sheep?” and soon also “Six Years in Iran.” 
“I’m that person who invests in me. I’m also humble enough to ask for help. Dave’s Stress Buster Buddy program was life-changing! My business grew, my physical health improved. Long-standing pain melted away and I became very relaxed about many aspects of routine stressors.”

– Misty Barron, Entrepreneur, San Angelo, TX

"I just finished the Stress Buster Buddy Program with Dave Berman and 
I wanna share my experiences with you, especially for YOU who are 
not sure yet, if this is the right program for you.

I can say that this program worked for me and I can highly recommend it because talking with Dave is always uplifting and inspiring. He gave me more possibilities of how to see something and pointing to different angles of a situation without pushing but always gentle, kind and understanding.

There is no written script for the program, whatever is important 
for you to talk about...and if you don't wanna talk that's also 
fine...then just laugh with Dave and find out 
what is inside of you through laughter. 

I always looked forward to our daily sessions and the four weeks 
flew by so fast. Thank you Dave, I really feel less stressed!" 

– Tina Ziegler, Honolulu, HI

Additional Resources

During your month of Simplicity Series calls,
you also get access to the following bonuses:

What do past clients say?

"Recently, before I worked with Dave Berman as my coach, I was very stressed about how I could not finish the book I am writing now. I have been writing this book (much of the time not writing it) for eight years! I was very lucky to find Dave’s online Stress Buster Buddy coaching programme, where I met him online each weekday for 15 minutes. This work with Dave helped me realise I could let go of guilt and recriminations about procrastination. Dave also helped me move forward to enlist the practical help I needed to prioritise and execute the many specific tasks required for completion. I have now made rapid progress in my work, am more relaxed in my steps towards completion, and confident about its publication. Thank you, Dave Berman!"

~ Ann Baker, Adelaide, Australia,
Author of “Ship or Sheep?” and soon also “Six Years in Iran.” 
“I’m that person who invests in me. I’m also humble enough to ask for help. Dave’s Stress Buster Buddy program was life-changing! My business grew, my physical health improved. Long-standing pain melted away and I became very relaxed about many aspects of routine stressors.”

– Misty Barron, Entrepreneur, 
San Angelo, Texas

"I just finished the Stress Buster Buddy Program with Dave Berman and I wanna share my
experiences with you, especially for YOU who are not sure yet if this is the right program for you.

I can say that this program worked for me and I can highly recommend it because talking with Dave is always uplifting and inspiring. He gave me more possibilities of how to see something and pointing to different angles of a situation without pushing but always gentle, kind and understanding.

There is no written script for the program, whatever is important 
for you to talk about...and if you don't wanna talk that's also 
fine...then just laugh with Dave and find out what is inside
of you through laughter. 

I always looked forward to our daily sessions and the four weeks flew by so fast. Thank you Dave, 
I really feel less stressed!" 

– Tina Ziegler, 
Honolulu, Hawaii

Additional Resources

During your month of 
Simplicity Series calls,
you also get access to the following bonuses:

The Simple Book of Infinity
(usually $10 USD)

How would your life change if you discovered your infinite imagination, creativity, and spontaneity supplies? They are always available, just like your infinite curiosity, possibility, and opportunity supplies. The Simple Book of Infinity points to where you can find all your infinite supplies hidden in plain sight. Download the ebook and keep it after your 30 days of Simplicity Series calls. 

5 Ways Laughter Will 
Change Your Life 
(usually $10 USD)

Five of the most essential 
laughter life lessons condensed 
into a quick and easy read (.pdf).  This is the perfect starter guide 
to laughing with Dave.
Book cover says: The Simple Book of Infinity, Through ĐƠN GIẢN, Simplicity is only as complicated as you make it

The Simple Book of Infinity
(usually $10 USD)

How would your life change if you discovered your infinite imagination, creativity, and spontaneity supplies? They are always available, just like your infinite curiosity, possibility, and opportunity supplies. The Simple Book of Infinity points to where you can find all your infinite supplies hidden in plain sight. Download the ebook and 
keep it after your 30 days 
of Simplicity Series calls. 

Infinity Laughter
(usually $39 USD/month)

For the duration of your time in the Daily ĐƠN GIẢN program, you also have access to daily Infinity Laughter sessions (previously Laughter Gym). Dave hosts his global Zoom group for 15 minutes of unconditional laughter, then group discussion about what was noticed. Fun, pleasure, insights, deep connection.

5 Ways Laughter Will 
Change Your Life 
(usually $10 USD)

Five of the most essential 
laughter life lessons condensed 
into a quick and easy read (.pdf).  This is the perfect starter guide 
to laughing with Dave.
Three overlapping circles are labeled laughter, mental health, and spirituality, with the common area among all three labeled infinity.

Infinity Laughter
(usually $39 USD/month)

For the duration of your time in the Daily ĐƠN GIẢN program, you also have access to daily Infinity Laughter sessions (previously Laughter Gym). 
Dave hosts his global Zoom group for 15 minutes of unconditional laughter, then group discussion about what was noticed. 
Fun, pleasure, insights, and 
deep connection.

Principles of Laughter Library
(usually $30 USD/month)

Dave has been exploring his infinite laughter supply every day since 2011. His journey has literally taken him around the world, inspiring several books, thousands of videos, plus audios,
classes, training programs, and infinitely more. The Principles of Laughter Library is a curated collection of the most impactful content. Access all 75+ hours as much as you want during your 30 days of Simplicity Series calls.

5 Ways Laughter Will 
Change Your Life 
(usually $10 USD)

Five of the most essential 
laughter life lessons condensed 
into a quick and easy read (.pdf).  This is the perfect starter guide 
to laughing with Dave.
Dave Berman stands in a Saigon park with fountains around him, his arms spread wide, head tilted back, laughing. The caption says: "Your infinite laughter supply is always available." ©

Principles of Laughter Library
(usually $30 USD/month)

Dave has been exploring his infinite laughter supply every day since 2011. His journey has literally taken him around the world, inspiring several books, thousands of videos, plus audios,
classes, training programs, and infinitely more. The Principles of Laughter Library is a curated collection of the most impactful content. Access all 75+ hours as much as you want during your 30 days of Simplicity Series calls.
Ready to begin? 
Click the button below 
to enroll in Simplicity Series. 

(aka Dave Berman)

About ĐƠN GIẢN (aka Dave Berman)

Dave's books, public speaking, laughter videos, and coaching have taken him throughout his native US and around the world. He lived for three pandemic years in Melbourne, Australia and 3+ years over two stints in Saigon, Vietnam. Through his various programs, Dave has been hosting daily online video discussions since 2016. In 2023, he adopted the Vietnamese name ĐƠN GIẢN. That is pronounced Dun Za-an and it means SIMPLE.

Dave's books, public speaking, laughter videos, and coaching have taken him throughout his native US and around the world. He lived for three pandemic years in Melbourne, Australia and 3+ years over two stints in Saigon, Vietnam. Through his various programs, Dave has been hosting daily online video discussions since 2016. In 2023, he adopted the Vietnamese name ĐƠN GIẢN. That is pronounced Dun Za-an 
and it means SIMPLE. 
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