You Can Always Simplify

Overthinking and overwhelm. Had enough of that yet? You can always simplify. See old ideas in new ways. That's how I help parents elevate emotional quality of life and support their kids learning emotional intelligence.
Is everything simple? Well, not when we over-complicate, according to The Simple Book of Infinity. Writing that book led me to adopt the Vietnamese name ĐƠN GIẢN. It is pronounced Dun Za-an and means SIMPLE. I'm also known as Dave Berman. Read more about me here.
I coach people to become who they most want to be, with everything happening for them, not to them. I help people resolve inner conflict, end self-sabotage, improve relationships, listen better, love more, and quit trying to fix what isn't broken. When you're ready for some of that, please check out my services or contact me.
Book cover of The Simple Book of Infinity, Through ĐƠN GIẢN, Simplicity is only as complicated as you make it

Idea Generator

Invest an hour telling me
about your business or 
another part of your life 
and take away at least 
one new revenue stream, 
career path, or other puzzle
piece to the big picture
of your life.

Simplicity Series

15 minute private calls
every day for one month.
Discover your infinite imagination, creativity,  simplicity, and other 
supplies are always available. 

Infinity Coaching

Coaching is a commitment 
we both make to you
becoming who you most want to be. Unlimited
calls and other support
for three, six or 12 months. 


You Can Always Simplify

Overthinking and overwhelm. Had enough of that yet? You can always simplify. See old ideas in new ways. That's how I help parents elevate emotional quality of life and support their kids learning emotional intelligence.
Is everything simple? Well, not when we over-complicate, according to The Simple Book of Infinity. Writing that book led me to adopt the Vietnamese name ĐƠN GIẢN. It is pronounced Dun Za-an and means SIMPLE. I'm also known as Dave Berman. Read more about me here.
Book cover of The Simple Book of Infinity, Through ĐƠN GIẢN, Simplicity is only as complicated as you make it
I coach people to become who they most want to be, with everything happening for them, not to them. I help people resolve inner conflict, end self-sabotage, improve relationships, listen better, love more, and quit trying to fix what isn't broken. When you're ready for some of that, please check out my services or contact me.

Idea Generator

Invest an hour telling me
about your business or 
another part of your life 
and take away at least 
one new revenue stream, 
career path, or other puzzle
piece to the big picture
of your life.

Simplicity Series

15 minute private calls
every day for one month.
Discover your infinite imagination, creativity,  simplicity, and other 
supplies are always available. 

Infinity Coaching

Coaching is a commitment 
we both make to you
becoming who you most want to be. Unlimited
calls and other support
for three, six or 12 months. 

"Progress is the result that occurs when we stop making trouble for ourselves." - Quote above black/white yin/yang labeled Feel Good (Allow, Easy Progress) and Feel Bad (Resistance, Difficulty, Self-sabotage) 
- All Rights Reserved - 

"Progress is the result that occurs when we stop making trouble for ourselves." - Quote above black/white yin/yang labeled Feel Good (Allow, Easy Progress) and Feel Bad (Resistance, Difficulty, Self-sabotage) 
- All Rights Reserved -