Mental Immunity for Parents of Moody Teens

Mental Immunity 
for Parents 
of Moody Teens

Conversations to help you and your teenager 
enjoy a better emotional quality of life

Conversations to help you and your teenager 
enjoy a better emotional quality of life

Teenagers struggle with confusion, frustration, rage and emotional pain just figuring out who they are. The drama of life looks, feels, and is experienced as real!

As humans, we have access to a big range of emotions so moods can really swing. Before treating teen moodiness as a mental health issue, parents can support their kids best by understanding the mental immune system.

Fortunately, the best way to understand the mental immune system is to notice your own. As you do, you will have a better emotional quality of life - just as your teen will when you help them notice it too.
"You are not broken. You don't need to be fixed. Your factory defaults are self-correcting and working perfectly." -
Teenagers struggle with confusion, frustration, rage and emotional pain just figuring out who they are. The drama of life looks, feels, and is experienced as real!

As humans, we have access to a big range of emotions so moods can really swing. Before treating teen moodiness as a mental health issue, parents can support their kids best by understanding the mental immune system.

Fortunately, the best way to understand the mental immune system is to notice your own. As you do, you will have a better emotional quality of life - just as your teen will when you help them notice it too.
"Whether your life is a drama or a comedy depends only on the narrator's perspective." #NatureOfTought ©

Progress is the result that occurs
when we stop making trouble for ourselves

Progress is the result 
that occurs when we stop making trouble for ourselves

We all sometimes tell ourselves someone or some situation is responsible for how we feel. As we do this, we miss the fact that we're telling ourselves this story. It is an ordinary observation, a perception and interpretation. It is a thought, not a fact. In the moment, we often overlook that.  

This is a temporary, innocent misunderstanding about how our minds work.  
How you feel about a situation reflects how you look at it. Thought creates feelings, then covers it up by blaming circumstances. Falling for this ego trick, as we all do at times, is a form of self-sabotage (how we make trouble for ourselves).  

Not realizing when this is happening is like picking a fight with reality instead of accepting what is. Developing your understanding of the Nature of Thought allows you to discover your mental immune system exists and always works flawlessly. 

As with Nature in general, when left alone, it takes care of itself. Humans are designed with many built-in auto-correct features: stay awake too long, eventually you fall asleep; hold your breath, you'll gasp and start breathing before you ever pass out; bladder full for too long, it will empty with or without a toilet; get a cut, a scab forms.

The mind is also self-correcting. It defaults to quiet, creativity, and resilience - when you get out of the way. There are no techniques, tips, or strategies to make this happen. Auto-correct occurs on its own, when you allow it by not interfering (the progress when we stop making trouble for ourselves). 

As you notice and understand this experience for yourself, you'll be able to help your teen get it too, resulting in a better day-to-day emotional quality of life for both of you. 
We all sometimes tell ourselves someone or some situation is responsible for how we feel. As we do this, we miss the fact that we're telling ourselves this story. It is an ordinary observation, a perception and interpretation. It is a thought, not a fact. In the moment, we often overlook that.  

This is a temporary, innocent misunderstanding about how our minds work.  How you feel about a situation reflects how you look at it. Thought creates feelings, then covers it up by blaming circumstances. Falling for this ego trick, as we all do at times, is a form of self-sabotage (how we make trouble for ourselves).  

Not realizing when this is happening is like picking a fight with reality instead of accepting what is. Developing your understanding of the Nature of Thought allows you to discover your mental immune system exists and always works flawlessly. 

As with Nature in general, when left alone, it takes care of itself. Humans are designed with many built-in auto-correct features: stay awake too long, eventually you fall asleep; hold your breath, you'll gasp and start breathing before you ever pass out; bladder full for too long, it will empty with or without a toilet; get a cut, a scab forms.

The mind is also self-correcting. It defaults to quiet, creativity, and resilience - when you get out of the way. There are no techniques, tips, or strategies to make this happen. Auto-correct occurs on its own, when you allow it by not interfering (the progress when we stop making trouble for ourselves). 

As you notice and understand this experience for yourself, you'll be able to help your teen get it too, resulting in a better day-to-day emotional quality of life for both of you.

Fish don't know they're in water

Fish Don't Know 
They're In Water

You can't be aware of every thought you have. You are greatly influenced by thoughts you don't even realize you're having. Some of these are not even true - more temporary, innocent misunderstandings. 

Many of these tricked me as a moody teenager, and it got even harder in my younger adult years. Despite my Mom's infinite and obvious love, her misunderstandings polluted a stream we were both trying to swim in. 

That means we were both unaware of how her untrue and unhelpful thoughts normalized and reinforced my own untrue and unhelpful thoughts. Like fish, we didn't know we were swimming in a sea of thoughts, and we certainly didn't realize we were contaminating it.  

All these years later, I know she was doing the best she could, based on her understanding and awareness at the time. That's also true for me, both then and NOW, plus you and your kids, always.
You can't be aware of every thought you have. You are greatly influenced by thoughts you don't even realize you're having. Some of these are not even true - more temporary, innocent misunderstandings. 

Many of these tricked me as a moody teenager, and it got even harder in my younger adult years. Despite my Mom's infinite and obvious love, her misunderstandings polluted a stream we were both trying to swim in. 

That means we were both unaware of how her untrue and unhelpful thoughts normalized and reinforced my own untrue and unhelpful thoughts. Like fish, we didn't know we were swimming in a sea of thoughts, and we certainly didn't realize we were contaminating it.  

All these years later, I know she was doing the best she could, based on her understanding and awareness at the time. That's also true for me, both then and NOW, plus you and your kids, always.

We're all doing the best we can

We're all doing 
the best we can

No need for fault, blame, guilt or shame

No need for fault, 
blame, guilt or shame

Oh, if only my Mom had taught me about the Nature of Thought when I was a moody teenager! It would have spared her so much heartache and saved me from the grossly distorted sense of self I took on at age 17. That's when a psychiatrist (doing her best!) said I had a chemical imbalance in my brain. Diagnosed bipolar, I was put on lithium "for the rest of my life." 

Twenty emotionally turbulent years later, in 2009, I was undiagnosed and unmedicated.

Since 2010, I have been a professional coach, guiding people toward discovering the Nature of Thought and their mental immune system, the self-correcting way your mind already works.

You can find evidence of this in every experience you ever had or will have. Realizing and understanding this creates a better emotional quality of life.

What are the implications?

These common observations may appear 
in ways unique to you

Hallmarks of a Better Emotional Quality of Life

  • ​Connection: knowing you and your teen are not causing each other's feelings creates space for noticing compassion and love
  • ​Communication: learning to listen with a quiet mind lets you be more present, spontaneous, and authentic
  • ​​Optimism: you can expect to get what you need, when you need it, by looking within
  • Peace: allowing stress, strain, and struggle to dissolve as useful clues revealing your temporary, innocent misunderstandings
  • Lightheartedness: taking yourself less seriously, and allowing yourself to be playful and laugh
  • ​​​Honesty: noticing untrue stories you've made up about yourself and why you feel as you do
  • ​​Creativity: when your mind inevitably quiets, you more clearly hear your own brilliant wisdom
  • Resilience: accepting a setback with curiosity about how it is happening for you, not to you
  • ​​Confidence: trusting you'll be able to handle anything because you have a 100% perfect track record of surviving everything so far 
Oh, if only my Mom had taught me about the Nature of Thought when I was a moody teenager! It would have spared her so much heartache and saved me from the grossly distorted sense of self I took on at age 17. That's when a psychiatrist (doing her best!) said I had a chemical imbalance in my brain. Diagnosed bipolar, I was put on lithium "for the rest of my life." 

Twenty emotionally turbulent years later, in 2009, I was undiagnosed and unmedicated.

Since 2010, I have been a professional coach, guiding people toward discovering the Nature of Thought and their mental immune system, the self-correcting way your mind already works.

You can find evidence of this in every experience you ever had or will have. Realizing and understanding this creates a better emotional quality of life.

What are the implications?

These common observations may appear in ways 
unique to you

Hallmarks of a Better Emotional Quality
of Life

  • ​Connection: knowing you and your teen are not causing each other's feelings creates space for noticing compassion and love
  • ​Communication: learning to listen with a quiet mind lets you be more present, spontaneous, and authentic
  • ​​Optimism: you can expect to get what you need, when you need it, by looking within
  • Peace: allowing stress, strain, and struggle to dissolve as useful clues revealing your temporary, innocent misunderstandings
  • Lightheartedness: taking yourself less seriously, and allowing yourself to be playful and laugh
  • ​​​Honesty: noticing untrue stories you've made up about yourself and why you feel as you do
  • ​​Creativity: when your mind inevitably quiets, you more clearly hear your own brilliant wisdom
  • Resilience: accepting a setback with curiosity about how it is happening for you, not to you
  • ​​Confidence: trusting you'll be able to handle anything because you have a 100% perfect track record of surviving everything so far 
That list is potentially endless. 
I can't guarantee what you'll experience or notice. 

I can create space ripe for the emergence of 
your own insights, awareness, understanding, and growth.

From there, you'll start to notice how you can create
that space for your kids to find a better emotional quality of life.
That list is potentially endless. 
I can't guarantee what you'll experience or notice. 

I can create space ripe for 
the emergence of your
own insights, awareness, understanding, and growth.

From there, you'll start to 
notice how you can create
that space for your kids to find 
a better emotional quality of life.
Jean L Wilkerson testimonial about Dave Berman's coaching on the Nature of Thought
Jean L Wilkerson testimonial about Dave Berman's coaching on the Nature of Thought
Sharon Law testimonial about Dave Berman's coaching on the Nature of Thought
Sharon Law testimonial about Dave Berman's coaching on the Nature of Thought
You'll Love PEP If You're Willing To...
  • Prioritize pleasure as a source of learning, inspiration and guidance
  • ​Consider optimism, kindness, and playfulness as useful
  • ​Allow your inner child to gorge its insatiable curiosity
  • ​Permit your genius to get as weird as it wants
  • ​Binge watch your own success story
  • ​Conjure tough love, celebratory serenity, and zany zeal
  • ​Notice the extraordinary hidden in plain sight
  • ​Love yourself more so others see what they love about you
  • ​Explore time travel between now and NOW
  • ​Make the best of you a gift to humanity
You'll Love PEP If 
You're Willing To...
  • Prioritize pleasure as a source of learning, inspiration and guidance
  • ​Consider optimism, kindness, and playfulness as useful
  • ​Allow your inner child to gorge its insatiable curiosity
  • ​Permit your genius to get as weird as it wants
  • ​Binge watch your own success story
  • ​Conjure tough love, celebratory serenity, and zany zeal
  • ​Notice the extraordinary hidden in plain sight
  • ​Love yourself more so others see what they love about you
  • ​Explore time travel between now and NOW
  • ​Make the best of you a gift to humanity

All calls by appointment only on Zoom. 
Please contact me with questions or
register for a series of private sessions
for an individual parent or couple (no kids).

NOTE: All sessions must be used 
within six months of purchase. 

All calls by appointment 
only on Zoom. 

Please contact me 
with questions or
register for a series 
of private sessions
for an individual parent 
or couple (no kids).

NOTE: All sessions must be used 
within six months of purchase. 

Item Price
$750USD/3 sessions
$1000USD/5 sessions
$1500USD/10 sessions
Item Amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
Item Price
$750USD/3 sessions
$1000USD/5 sessions
$1500USD/10 sessions
Item Amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00

About Dave Berman
(aka ĐƠN GIẢN)

Dave Berman

Dave's books, public speaking, laughter videos, and coaching have taken him throughout his native US and around the world. He lived for three pandemic years in Melbourne, Australia and 3+ years over two stints in Saigon, Vietnam. Through his various programs, Dave has been hosting daily online video discussions since 2016.  In 2023, he adopted the Vietnamese name ĐƠN GIẢN. That is pronounced Dun Za-an and it means SIMPLE.

Dave Berman

Dave's books, public speaking, laughter videos, and coaching have taken him throughout his native US and around the world. He lived for three pandemic years in Melbourne, Australia and 3+ years over two stints in Saigon, Vietnam. Through his various programs, Dave has been hosting daily online video discussions since 2016. In 2023, he adopted the Vietnamese name ĐƠN GIẢN. That is pronounced Dun Za-an and it means SIMPLE. 
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